Sympathetic Vibratory Physics -It's a Musical Universe!
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Topic: John Keely's Laws of Harmony
Section: Law of Sono-thermity
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"Internal vibrations of atomic substances and atomic molecules are capable of vibrating at a period-frequency directly as their density, inversely as their linear dimensions, directly as the coefficient of their tension from the 21st to the 42nd octaves, producing the creative force (Sono-thermity), whose transmissive force (Sono-therm) is propagated in solid, liquid, gaseous, and ultra-gaseous media, statically producing adhesions and molecular unions, or disintegration, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion."

Commentary October, 1986

In issue #9 was published a complete list of Keely's frequencies. The list shows the 21st octave having a frequency of 2,097,152 Hz. The 42nd octave has 4,398,046,511,104 Hz. This frequency band, according to Keely, comprises the range of frequencies in which what he calls Sono-Thermity, Sono-therm and Sono-thermism have their manifestations. The term sono comes from the Latin, sonos, meaning sound. The term therm comes from the Greek, word for heat. In the New Century Dictionary it is defined as: THERM: "In physics, a unit of heat or thermal capacity; a thermal unit, as the small calory or the large calory, or unit equal to 1,000 large calories; sometimes, a unit equal to 100,000 British thermal units." One is reminded of the modern term:

SONO-LUMINESCENCE: [Physics] "Luminescence produced by high-frequency sound waves or phonons." McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms.

In recent issue of one of the popular science magazines there was an article about the sound waves detected in the sun. It seems there are a great number and quantity of sound frequencies present on the surface of the sun. Do you suppose these waves are what gives rise to the heat we perceive coming from the sun and not actually from nuclear activity? Some of the literature I have indicates this may be so. We'll have to dedicate a future issue to solar and planetary phenomena as seen by Keely and others.

Those of you familiar with the ordinary Electromagnetic Scale will see that these frequencies mentioned by Keely, especially the higher ones, are within the Infrared frequency range. I think we can surmise from what Keely says that he considered heat or the generation of heat nothing other than sound waves vibrating at a quicker rate. This I have heard from many different scientists and engineers. But if this is true, then the idea that heat causes things to rise is a fallacy! Because heat is a manifestation of high frequency sound waves and not something in and to itself. Just think, if heat applied to a substance causes it to rise and we see it rise such as air or water, then we would be tempered to say that heat causes levitation. Indeed, heat applied to air will cause it to rise. But heat applied to a pound of water in a pan on a stove top doesn't make it any lighter! NASA has shown us that sound applied to solids causes them to rise. Might it not be something within heat or the cause of heat that contains the "levitating effect"? If heat and sound are vibrations, then this "levitating effect" is caused by vibrations or some kind of mode of vibrations and not by heat alone.

In the case of heated air rising, it would be better to say that heat is present in air as it levitates or rises. The atomic and molecular vibrating structure we call air, when immersed in a media vibrating between the 21st and 42nd octave, will become modulated by those same frequencies. The result will be an air atom or molecular vibrating or resonating to those same frequencies which then emits "heat" (or the same rates of vibration recognized as heat) and at the same time this air particle will have a tendency to rise vertically.

Therefore, in summation, heat and levitation may be the results of modulating the atomic frequencies of the air with the frequencies between the 21st and 42nd octaves.

Heat and levitation then should be recognized as two separate and distinct phenomena arising from the same frequency. This of course, leads us to think that there are at least two distinct types of vibration at work. One causes heat the other levitation. Water atomized by an ultrasonic humidifier is cold and has a tendency to float and the fall in the air. Whereas water atomized by heat has a tendency to rise. Discover the difference and your fame and fortune is guaranteed!

Law #11 The Law of Force, issue #11, tells us that "Energy manifests itself in three forms: Creative or Sono-thermity, the vibrating aggregate; Transmissive or Sono-therm, being the propagation of isochronous waves through the media (atomic substances and atomic molecules) in which it is immersed: Attractive or Sono-thermism, being its action upon other aggregates capable of vibrating in unisons or harmony." I think this law is more or less self explanatory, once one becomes comfortable with Keely's jargon that is.

Taking logic a little further with what Keely lays out before us I would say that heat is an atomic phenomena. That means that a molecule does not possess heat but it is the atoms of which the molecule is composed that manifests this rate of vibration we perceive as heat. Or we might say that it is the molecule vibrating at the atomic frequency rates which gives rise to thermal outreach (heat). In one of Keely's papers (to be published in its entirety at a later date) he claims that when a molecule is submitted to supercooling as in cryogenics, the thermal outreach nestles into the intermolecular realm remaining latent there until the cold has been withdrawn. The thermal outreach (heat) then reasserts itself and becomes evident again as "latent heat". "Latent heat" is not the same as "specific heat". A strange concept when first approached but not so improbable as "heat causes air to rise".

Commentary December, 1989

This law is fundamentally the same as the law reviewed in the November, 1989 issue. The major difference is this law covers the phenomena of the next set of octaves from the 21st octave to the 42nd octave. The other difference is here we will be discussing vibrations while in the previous law we discussed oscillations. See SVP, March, 1989 for a discussion of the difference between these two forms or modes of rhythmic motion.

"Internal vibrations (vibrations are internal rhythmic motions whereas oscillations are the whole body moving from side to side) of atomic substances (crystalline like materials) and atomic molecules (substances composed of unlike atoms but not possessing molecular properties) are capable of vibrating at a period-frequency directly as their density (the higher the density the higher the frequency and vice versa), inversely as their linear dimensions (the greater the linear dimension the lesser the frequency and vice versa), directly as the coefficient of their tension (the greater the tension the higher the frequency and vice versa) from the 21st (2,097,152 cps) to the 42nd (4,398,046,511,104 cps) octaves, producing the creative force (Sono-thermity), (from this idea we see that Keely interpreted the frequency as a cause of these forces - the frequency is separate from the force - the frequency is not the force of and by itself) whose transmissive force (Sono-therm) is propagated in solid, liquid, gaseous, and ultra-gaseous (plasma-like materials) media, statically producing adhesions and molecular unions (a result or effect of these frequencies brings about the aggregation of the associated particles), or disintegration, according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion." (This law implies that like vibrations cause aggregation and unlike - discordant - vibrations produce repulsion or disintegration).

There does not appear to be any conflicts between this law with modern concepts. The only area a conflict could result in the calling of this phenomena a LAW. However, a review of what constitutes a law would settle that conflict in short order because this phenomena is a constant and does not deviate.

To make this law and the one before it useable one would find themselves emerged in atomic and nuclear physics. Mathematical formulae used in this field of research reflects the use of frequency as an essential component of their calculations. A place that has been using this phenomena but without the knowledge of the greater paradigm is in excimer lasers. This particular laser can and does cause a dissociation of molecular and atomic bonds without the generation of heat. This laser is the closest thing I've seen or heard of resembling Keely's stone disintegrator device used to mine hard rock gold in 1883. The introduction of a high frequency vibration into a coherent chord of vibrations possessed by the stone caused a strong discord and disintegration was the result. The gold, being a metal, has a strong property Keely called negative attraction. This apparently is more or less an opposite state or inverse state of coherent chordal factors. Thus a metal is not affected in the same way that a crystalline substance (granite) is. The metal "absorbs" the frequencies and becomes more "compact" a thus may break itself in much the same way that has been demonstrated in exploding wire experiments instead of disintegrating by atomic or molecular bond weakening which is the cause of disintegration.

Later in this issue are listed the known musical intervals. These are to be identified in molecular and atomic chords. It is these intervals that we speak of that compose the chords of molecular and atomic bonding. The more concordant the bond or interval the more compact and the stronger the bond is. A more discordant bond is weaker and aggregations formed around such bonds are not strong and may be disrupted with much less effort.

The idea or key in this matter is not to hammer away at a substance to effect a break in the bonds. A much subtler and more effective method would be to "tickle" or modulate the bonds into a discordant state. Hugh results can be discerned from a small energy input. Dissociation would be the inevitable result. The requirement of hugh amounts of outside energy to effect such changes comes from the lack of understanding concerning the real cause of the bonds' existence. Thus "art" and skill can easily supplant the "sledge hammer" approach to molecular and atomic disintegration.

It is an easy thing to say bonding is caused by valence, short and long molecular forces because there is no real understanding of what valence, short and long molecular forces are. This is like saying gravity causes things to fall to the earth - without giving a description of what gravity is. All things vibrate - therefore we must look to the vibrations as the common denominator between all things.
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